Python is an extremely powerful but easy to learn programming language. If you have prior knowledge of any programming language you can learn Python in just few hours and you can be a proficient developers in just some days.
However this simplicity can be dangerous too if you stay at the basics and don´t go further into this wonderful language. It's easy to keep using it just as an script language and think that that is all with Python. But actually Python is complete development language that you can use with almost anything you would need with an ease and expressiveness not easy to find in any other language.
This books focus in Python 3, the new generation of this language that now is its standard. Such an an evolution lap was not able to offer full backwards compatibility with former Python 2.7 branch. But actually this books gives a good guidance to promote your Python code to 3 branch. Book's content is extremely complete covering from basics (flow control, strings, files) to advanced topics (decorator, context manager, functors, abstract classes and metaclasses and a huge etc). Those topics will prove to be very useful to help you to translate easily mental concepts to code. All those concepts are explained with clean code, well commented and easy to understand.
As a summary, this is a good book both for newbies who want to start from the begining and for those with good expertise that want to get full advantage from Python. Besides, once finished this book is a good language reference to keep at hand on your bookshelf.