Bitcoin is one of the hottest topics today. It has gone further than a technological oddity to an evolutionary lap for finances and a matter of discussion for politicians. But understanding Bitcoin is hard. Its concepts are new and its foundations are mathematical and technological so average people have an hard time trying to understand what Bitcoin is based on.
The main good point of this book is that it tries to follow the way described by its title. You are not supposed to have any technical background to read this book, as it explain things for average people using usual day concepts and examples. Even using comics and funny drawings author are able to make easy really complex concepts that other books try to explain overwhelming you with math formula.
Sure, your are not going to develop a bitcoin based app or become the next digital billionaire just reading this book, but at least you'll lose your fears and start to understand what all this fuss is about and how it can change your life in the future. It is a light reading that you can end in just a weekend.
So, this book is quite recommended for everybody who wants to learn quickly the very basics of Bitcoin, both just to understand media news about cryptocurrencies and as a first step of further learning about this topic.